Phil Johnston leads Woolston Brass in an historic performance outside Christ Church Cathedral, 2024
Phil Johnston leads Woolston Brass in an historic performance outside Christ Church Cathedral, 2024

Founded in 1891, iconic performing arts organisation Woolston Brass Inc. has remained true to its Maori motto, Tohea Kia Kaha (persevere, be strong).

Today the Woolston organisation has 120+ members across three brass bands; Woolston Junior Band, Woolston Concert Brass and Woolston Brass, and a Learners Group. Their leading Academy education programme teaches over 80 children and adults, and provides a positive environment for them to learn music and engage with the community through concert performances, local and National contests.

Woolston Concert Brass under the baton of Music Director Matt Toomata is part of the Woolston Brass Academy and moved through the ranks, currently a high-performing B Grade band in the New Zealand Brass Band Championships and Canterbury Provincial Brass Band Association Contest. Many Woolston Concert Brass members progress to Christchurch’s iconic Woolston Brass, who are known for their musical excellence and versatility as a popular stage performer – whether it be in the concert hall performing to the Canterbury community in their annual concert series, or on the National, international or local contest stage as New Zealand’s most successful contesting brass band.

Woolston Brass’ distinguished 131 year history records an abundance of championship success, overseas expeditions and talented musicians whom many have represented Woolston in National and Youth Bands of New Zealand. With Musical Director Phil Johnston at the helm from 2025, Woolston Brass is building on previous success locally, nationally and internationally as well as providing access to the highest quality brass music and performance through the ‘Seriously Brass’ concert series and mainstays such as the annual Christchurch ANZAC celebrations.

Woolston Brass Incorporated is embarking on a capital campaign towards the rebuild of The Sid Creagh Memorial Band Hall, which was damaged in the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. They have been successful in gaining support from the Christchurch City Council’s Capital Endowment Fund that positively kickstarts the fundraising campaign and gives the organisation confidence to secure other major funders. The rebuild is now in full swing but there is still a major public fundraising campaign for the remaining amount required for the rebuild, find out how you can help HERE. Woolston Brass Inc. is very grateful for the Council’s support, in particular the Council Staff, Elected Members and Councillor Yani Johanson who has been instrumental in advocating for this project. The design of the new facility has a future focus on the organisation’s activities and increasing music education and music rehabilitation programmes as well as a space for the community to engage with as a creative community musical hub. The facility will host music teaching, education, rehearsals, recordings, and performances both for Woolston Brass Inc. programmes and other arts groups.

Woolston Brass Inc. exists today for its members to learn, play, perform and inspire each other and the community with excellent and diverse musical experiences. To learn about Woolston Brass’ upcoming performances, please visit or email

Phil Johnston

As Woolston Brass’ 18th conductor in its 133-year history, the band is privileged to be under Phil’s baton, continuing the band’s legacy of musical excellence, innovation and community impact.

Phil Johnston’s musical journey began through the influence of his father, David Johnston, a champion Tuba player and Musical Director of the Blenheim Municipal Band. Phil started playing the Cornet at six years old and joined the Blenheim Municipal Band at ten, where he progressed to Tenor Horn and later transitioned to Eb and Bb Bass.

In 1992, Phil joined the Skellerup Woolston Band (now Woolston Brass) in Christchurch, where he is now a Life Member. He later played with the Royal New Zealand Navy Band in Auckland before returning to Christchurch to join the New Zealand Army Band in Burnham.

Phil served as Drum Major of the New Zealand Army Band from 2008 to 2011, leading performances at major events like the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Appointed Bandmaster in 2012, he held the role for seven years overseeing notable performances, including with jazz legend James Morrison. Phil served as the Musical Development and Performance Manager 2019-2021 before returning as Bandmaster for an additional two years 2022-2023, making him the longest-serving Bandmaster in The New Zealand Army Band’s history.

Phil’s competitive success includes 20 National Open Bb Bass titles, 3 Open Eb Bass titles, and multiple wins in ensemble and duet competitions. He has claimed the Champion of Champions title four times, won the National Invitational Slow Melody competition twice and won Australia’s Ern Keller Solo Competition. He has also been part of 11 championship-winning bands in New Zealand and Australia and competed at the British Open in Birmingham.

Phil has twice performed with the National Youth Band and been a member of the National Band of New Zealand eight times. His leadership and achievements have cemented his status as one of New Zealand’s most accomplished musicians.