Woolston Brass has three training bands known collectively as the Woolston Brass Academy.

Each of these groups caters for a specific level of ability and meets on Tuesday evenings of the school term at Woolston Brass’ temporary premises located at Unit 1/81 Magadala Place, Middleton.

Woolston Learners’ Group, under the tutelage of of Vickie van Uden, caters for children and adults who want to learn a brass or percussion instrument. Members generally have little or no experience when they join, but they will receive personal training and learn the basics of reading music and sounding an instrument in this class. The only prerequisite is enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. If of interest, contact info@woolstonbrass.org to enquire about fees, instrument hire and lesson availability.

Woolston Junior Band: Conducted by Vickie van Uden, the Junior Band is comprised of players who have the skills required to play in an ensemble, but who have not yet reached the standard required for membership of Woolston Concert Brass. While the Junior Band is obviously the next step for Learners’ Group graduates, players from any source are accepted provided they can play to the required standard. If of interest, contact info@woolstonbrass.org to enquire about fees, instrument hire and vacancies.

Woolston Concert Brass: Matt Toomata is the Music Director of Woolston Concert Brass. With a B Grade NZBBA registration this band consists of more advanced musicians and competes at both Provincial and National level. While recognising the importance of competition and performance as positive incentives, this band’s approach is holistic, seeking to encourage its musicians to succeed not only as instrumentalists, but as active and constructive members of society.

Woolston Theory Club: led by Music Educator Vickie van Uden on Tuesdays from 5.30pm-6.00pm (maximum group size of 6) at the Woolston Band Room. 30-minute interactive group session and is open to anyone inside or outside the Woolston organisation, and all ages. Ideally participants should already be playing an instrument and all resources for the classes will be provided. If of interest, contact info@woolstonbrass.org to enquire about fees and vacancies.

🎼 Discover Step-by-Step Systems – Understand simple theory step-by-step systems in a fun and exciting way
🎼 Understand Rhythm and Rests – Help with a better understanding of basic beat and pulse
🎼 Learn how to write The Circle of Fifths – A must! Helping to understand key signatures and scales
🎼 Master Musicianship Skills and more!

Our information brochure is available for download HERE.